Orders once placed cannot be cancelled.
All our products go through various stages of rigorous quality checks before getting dispatched.

Returns/ Refund
We accept exchanges or returns ONLY if you've received items in a condition that is physically damaged, has missing parts or accessories, is defective, or different from its description on the product detail page on shreejihomes.in.
Please send us a photo of the damaged/defective product within 24 hours of receiving your order at shreejihomes2023@gmail.com or WhatsApp at +91 7727940747.
Item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.
Once the item is received, it will go through a verification process before a refund is issued.
We would not be responsible for the loss of shipment while returning the product, or damage to the product incurred during the same.

NO Returns/Refunds
There is no refund policy for the following -
products purchased on sale or at discounted prices.
products purchased and returned/exchanged that are not defective.